Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Retirement Investment Planning

Retirement Planning: "Planning for your financial security during your retirement should begin in your 20’s. No matter what your age, sex, or marital status, you need to know about retirement planning. Married women should not just “leave it all up to my husband”, or there could be some nasty surprises on the horizon if he becomes unable to manage financial affairs, if he dies, or if a divorce occurs. When setting your retirement goals, you shouldn’t leave anything to chance and getting the answers to these questions can eliminate future surprises.

Whether retirement is a long way off for you, or it’s right around the corner, you must start saving for it now. However, saving for retirement isn’t what it used to be with the increase in cost of living and the instability of social security. You have to invest for your retirement, as opposed to saving for it."

It use to be you would work for someone for 30-40 years and get a pension, now you can't depend on pension plans or if they'll even be around when you retire.
You can't live on Social Security alone, and it's even on shakey ground, so it's important to start early and invest to your max.
If needed get a professional to help you plan, two big things besides investing early if possible is get out of debt and don't use credit unless a must. Good Luck!
Retirement Planning:

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