Thursday, May 10, 2007

Retirement Planning For Travel

Retirement Planning: "You must Plan for your financial security during your retirement you should begin in your 20’s. No matter what your age, sex, or marital status, you need to know about retirement planning. Married women should not just “leave it all up to my husband”,Do you want to travel see the world Plan ahead for that pleasure.

there are Many fine places when you're retired to travel, perhaps you live in the snow belt, travelto the southwest in the winter in your trailer or motor home or stay in one of the many wonderful spots for seniors, Arizona or Texas, Florida. They have town homes for rent or trailers and Apts.

Perhaps your wish is the tropic, how about the caribbean , Jamaca, Bahamas, or even parts of Mexico where the cost of living is agreeable, In Panama they have a special law for people on a pension and the savings and tax breaks are out of this world. whatever your preference plan ahead so you have enought to enjoy and Travel
Retirement Planning:

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